Welcome to the Northfield Drive-in!

Celebrating our 76th YEAR showing movies under the stars

Gates and Snackbar open at 6:30pm Check out our Menu

Our Rules


Adults: $13.00
Children 7-14: $7.00
Children 6 and under: FREE

Credit Cards Not Currently Accepted

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
This is part of what helps us to keep our ticket prices low and family friendly.

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Smoking Policy

Out of consideration for families with small children, we have instituted a new smoking policy. Smoking is allowed in rows 4-10, leaving the first three rows (closest to the screen) smoke-free. Absolutely no smoking is allowed in the Snack Bar or in the Restrooms. Thank you for being courteous to your neighbors.

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Idling Policy

Please do not run or idle your vehicle in the first 4 rows. Many famiies like to sit on the grass in front of their cars, and need to be able to breathe fresh air and hear the movie.

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Speed Limit

The maximum speed limit is 10 MPH. Please drive carefully.

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SUV's, vans, large trucks, cars with luggage racks or any other vehicle taller then 5 feet that obstructs the view of the screen must park in the last two (2) rows on Fridays, Saturdays and Holidays.

Management reserves the right to designate the parking location of vehicles and to reposition vehicles that are blocking the view of other patrons.

Please make sure to park with the front tires on the highest elevation of the ramp for the best viewing.

Diesel vehicles, vehicles with modified exhausts and "oil burners" that make noise while running may be repositioned to the rear rows if you run your engines during the movie for air conditioning or heating and we receive complaints from other customers.

Each vehicle is designated one parking spot. When sitting outside your vehicle you cannot occupy another parking space. Please park within 3' of the car next to you to allow for maximum parking. We reserve the right to reposition you if necessary.

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Restrooms & Refreshment Stand

Please walk to the restrooms and Concession Stand.
DO NOT DRIVE unless handicapped for the safety of other patrons.

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Supervise Your Children

Children must be supervised at all times while on site.

Please be sure your children are courteous to other patrons. Climbing or attempting to enter the screen is not allowed. The open areas may be used quietly during the movie, as long as it does not cause distraction.

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Sitting on Top of Vehicles

We do not allow people to sit or lay on cars, van, SUV or other roofs. You can sit in the back of vehicles such as SUV's, Pick-Up Trucks, etc, as long as you park so you do not block the view of other customer's.

If you have a hatchback and you wish to open it you must bring a bungee to tie it down even with your roof. If you forget your bungee, please ask the Concession stand for twine (available at no charge).

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Rain Policy

We will close due to lightning, and potentially dangerous weather conditions.

Watch our Facebook page and website for updates.

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Laser Lights

Laser lights are prohibited at the Drive-in.

Any person found in possession of a laser pointer will be escorted from the Theater. Please leave them at home.

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Grills and Cooking in the parking Area

Per the Police and Fire Department, and for your safety and the safety of others around you, grills and cooking devices are NOT allowed at the Drive-in.

Please Note: Violators will be asked to leave without a refund.

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Pets are welcome at the Drive-in as long as they are on a leash and are quiet.

If your dog has an accident please pick up after it.

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Leaving and Returning to the Drive-in

It is against the Drive-in policy to leave the property and then to return without paying a second admission charge.

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  1. If your vehicle is taller than the one behind you, ask them if you are blocking their view, and consider moving if you arrived after them.
  2. When driving in the lot during the movie, please use your lights for safety reasons.
  3. All car radios must be tuned into the drive-in channel.
  4. Do not talk loud, run around during the movie, or use profanity.
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Daytime Running Lights

Patrons must be in control of their own headlights.

Usually they can be turned off by activating your emergency brake; please refer to your owners' manual. If they cannot be disabled, please bring blankets, cardboard or duct tape to cover the lights or see the Concession Stand for something to cover the lights.

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Drive Slowly and Carefully in the Drive-in

Make sure you watch out for pedestrians at all times. Please drive slowly with your parking lights only, please.

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Use Caution when Sitting Outside your Vehicle

Make sure the driver of the car you are sitting in front or back of knows that you are there. Drivers: please check in front and back of your vehicle before pulling forward or backward.

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No Bare Feet

For you safety, no bare feet are allowed at the Drive-in.

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Refunds/Rain Checks

We have a no refund policy. Rain checks will only be issued if there is an act of God causing technical difficulties. These will be determined by management.

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Visit Our Snack Bar

A large part of our admission price goes back to the film distributors and Hollywood, so please treat yourself to our delicious food and drinks in our snack bar. Your support is appreciated and helps keep us open now and in the future.

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Tell your Friends and Family about Us

If you had a good time at the Northfield Drive-in (and we know you will!) please tell your movie-going friends about us!

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Get directions to the Northfield Drive-in Theatre

View Location


Tasty and refreshing snacks available at our Concession Center

View Menu


Northfield Drive-In Code of conduct, rules & guidelines

View Rules